Discover How To Turn Time Into Profit:
Brand New Easy To Use Software Helps You Create & Customize
Profitable Calendars That You Can Sell
Unleash Your Creativity and Design Custom Calendars
(In Minutes) Your Buyers Will Love
Create Calendars With Ease!
Who said creating a calendar has to be hard... or time consuming? Not with the Calendar Creator! Get your design going in no time.
Pick Your Year!
Want to create a calendar for 2024? Or even further ahead? You can create your calendars (currently) up to the year 2030! Be ahead of the competition!
Month or Year?
Whether you want to release a monthly planner or a full year calendar, you can do either (or both!)
Start whenever you want!
Who says a calendar or planner has to start at January? Begin your calendar at any month, offering the ULTIMATE customization to sell to your customers (or on Amazon!)
Let's Dive Deeper: Unlocking The Power of the Calendar Creator
If you've ever wanted to create a calendar to sell... you likely know how much of a royal PAIN it is to create them.
You either have to MANUALLY date them, or you have to use software that "might" create them, but then you have to edit more and more.
Or, if you want to get them done from a "proper printing company" like Lulu or Staples, you have no choice but to accept entirely their page styles.
As someone who has been creating calendars FROM SCRATCH for years, I can assure you - this is usually a time consuming process.
Prime example, just recently I paid my graphics designer to finish dating some different calendar styles I wanted to work with for a couple of years' time frame. It took her a few days - almost a week - to get them all done. And she wasn't goofing off - it's just how long it takes to properly go through and date these.
There has NOT been any half decent calendar creating tools around, with the full flexibility you need. It always involved piecing things together.
Until Now.
The Calendar Creator.
The Calendar Creator is online software that helps you create calendars of almost any kind that you'd like to sell. Just a few ideas...
- Wall Calendars
- Monthly Desk Calendars
- Monthly Planners
- Yearly Planners with Calendar Months included
- Weekly and Daily planners with OR without calendar months included.
And that's just a smidgen of what you can do.
You see - as I mentioned, I have always created these calendars, mostly on my own. I do this for myself, as well as to sell some.
The fact is, it used to take me SO much time, it drove me crazy.
I got to the point that I stopped dating them, and sold them as "undated" calendars.
And the funny thing about that is just before that, I had customers ASKING if I had any "undated" calendars.
So I did that... and as soon as I did, I immediately had people asking me for the dated ones! I couldn't win!
Now recently I was grumbling about this with my friend Rob Borsuk. Oh I talked to different programmers in the past about creating this sort of thing, and everyone always brushed me off. It was too complicated, too expensive, it can't be done, blah blah blah. Yes, I even talked with another 'programmer' in our industry about 2 and a half years ago about doing it together, who told me the same thing. "It can't be done".
(Sidenote, I was always told by my hubby who has a background in programming and network administration, that if a programmer tells you "it can't be done", that means he doesn't know how or doesn't want to do it.)
BUT after more frustrations, I had this conversation with Rob. I didn't even ask Rob to create it at first - we were just chit chatting about our printable products (he's the founder of Puzzle Publishers, and I've created journals and planners for *years*).
And I commented (grumbled!) about how I had passed on the dating of these calendars to my graphics specialist just because I couldn't spare that many hours involved to date them. I had the styles done, but not the dates. And I wanted to go ahead of just 2024.
He told me to send the files over when we were done, and he might be able to come up with something.
WELL... I was thrilled!! Even if it was just for myself and my graphics designer, I thought wow - this would be an ENORMOUS time saver.
Rob took the ideas I had, and it was like he took my brain into the system! He programmed it in such a simple way (not simple for him I'm sure!), that allows ANYONE to create a monthly (or even yearly) calendar SO simply, and customize and tweak so that it looks so professional! And he even went above and beyond my original thoughts.
And YOU have the control over how it looks :)
Here's just a few samples that I whipped up (each one took me about 5 minutes or less... I spent most of that time finding the background images!)

Now as you can see, I was just messing around - but these can be real calendars (I do use very similar myself and HAVE created them the same way for others!) This is just a smidgen of the possibilities you have at your fingertips.
What are some of the features of this easy-to-use software?
Create Calendars With Ease!
Who needs a headache when making calendars? Not you! Whip up gorgeous calendars, quick and easy!
Pick the Perfect Year
Create these calendars to be any year you'd like, from 2023 to 2030! Simply choose your month and year, and voila!
Month or Year?
Craft a sassy little monthly planner, or a full blown annual calendar OR planner. You're the boss!
Start Any Time!
Who says a calendar or planner has to start at January? Begin your calendar at any month, offering the ULTIMATE customization to sell to your customers (or on Amazon!) (Hello... think Students starting school in August, or specific sports teams who have different start/end months!)
Download Your Way
Want a slick PNG or a professional PDF ready to print? Either way, we've got you covered. Simply click the button to download your preference.
Jazz it up!
Add your own backgrounds to transform your calendar into a stunningly unique masterpiece that people will clammer to buy.
Text Heaven
Add some cheeky notes, important reminders, motivational quotes, or any other type of headlines you want to include - this is perfect if you're doing a monthly planner! Create boxes where your customers can mark important dates.
PLUS this feature allows you to add your own holidays and other special dates you may want to put on the calendar!
Font Freedom
Currently you can choose from 8 different fonts, ranging from standard to bold to fancy and fun! Get creative!
And more features are coming!
Are YOU Ready To Start Creating Calendars That You Can Sell?
That's right - you can sell these AS YOU WANT. You simply can not sell or share access to your account - WE DO NOT ALLOW GROUP BUYS.
But here are some ways you can make money with these:
- Customize and sell them with PLR rights!
- Sell them on Etsy as complete products
- Sell them on Fiverr as a done for you service!
- Sell these on Amazon / KDP! (Yes, this is absolutely possible in a few ways.)
- Sell them as printables...
- OR Sell them as COMPLETE PRINTED calendars that you print yourself, OR you can take them to a local printer if you prefer.
- Sell these to businesses! Let them PAY YOU to put their names on the calendars, and customize it for them!
- Create these and use them as downloadable lead giveaways, or bonuses for affiliate products you might be recommending! (HINT: put a daily tip geared to the program you are recommending!)
Got questions?
Are there any upsells?
There are technically 2 and both are entirely optional. One is an add on offer mentioned in the next question, which will be presented to you at checkout. It's completely optional. The upsell you will be presented with after your purchase is an upgrade that has a few more features. It is ENTIRELY optional. If you choose to skip it, that's totally fine - you can do exactly what I've said here to create and publish calendars in just a few minutes.
Do you teach me some different ideas or ways to sell these other than above?
There is an "add on" from a webinar training I did less than 2 years ago that you can get access to, which goes over a lot of different ideas and ways to sell these. **It is still absolutely applicable today, it simply has older dates, but all the principles and ideas are the same.** The reason we did this as an add on, is not everyone wants this, and we did not include it in the site.
Does the members area include training on how to use the software?
YES. There are a few short videos - it really is NOT complicated, but I go over everything you need to know to create these.
Is the software downloadable?
No. It is web based, so you need to have access to the internet.
What if I have trouble accessing the software?
You shouldn't! However, with that said, it can happen to ANY website or members area. If you have any issues, please submit a support ticket and we'll help you get this resolved. (Simply remember our support desk answers within 2 BUSINESS days, excluding weekends and local holidays. Please allow us a chance to respond, we always do.)
Is this going to be one of those "here today/gone tomorrow" software programs??
NO of course not! I myself (Amber Jalink) have been working online for over 26 years full time - I have a few software websites that have been running for 3-7 years, and still going (ActivityBookGenerator.com, as well as TheJournalCreator.com, and others). I have zero intentions of going anywhere, so you can be assured that your access will remain for at least a few years! Rob Borsuk has also been online for several years as well as his software tools, so be assured, we're here!
HURRY! Get your membership NOW before we start charging monthly for this!!
YES you can join right now for a one time fee. But hurry because this WILL likely be changed to monthly for those who do not lock in RIGHT NOW. YOUR price will never change IF you purchase today.
** Important note: If you choose to pay by credit card, the payment processor WILL require your address. It is not used for ANY other reason except to prevent fraud by Stripe and/or Paypal - which protects both yourself and us.

Amber Jalink
DIME Consultants Inc.

Robert Borsuk,
Creator of Puzzle Publishers
(c) 2023 DIME Consultants Inc., All Rights Reserved.
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